Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Words that Start with "V": Discussion Questions

Words that start with V

What do you think of the letter V?

It is the sign for victory. It is five in roman numerals. The gesture also means peace.

Do you like the look of it?

Compare V and X. Which letter do you prefer?

Compare V and W. Which letter do you prefer?

Comare V and U. Which letter do yo prefer?

How to pronounce V?

Is there a V in Chinese?

Think of ten words that start with V. (Make conversation with them.)

What is your favourite word starting with V? What is your least favorite?

Ask the teacher a question about the words starting with V.

Can you think of names that start with V?

Ten nouns that start with V?

Can you think of adjectives that start with V?

What are the two most used adjectives starting with V? Very and Violent.

What countries' names start with V?

What cities' names start with V?

These "V" words make the list of the top five hundred most-used English words:

Very was #27

Vowel was #379

Voice was #400

Have students try to guess the words.

Have students make sentences using as many V words as possible.

Victoria Voodoo Very Violently Values Vainglorious Victories vividly vaunted.

Victor values Victoria's virtues and vaunting vividness.

1 comment:

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